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This post was auto-translated with Google Translate, and I will proofread it in the upcoming weeks.
This post is over 5 years old, and may not reflect the author’s current view.

Lie to Me is a series of one-episode stories, a very rare story lasting several episodes. The series consists of 3 seasons and was broadcast between 2009-2011. It’s been a few months (of course, four or five months since the article was published late) since I finished watching. After I recorded the name of this series in my notes, I started watching it. The reason I took it in my notes is because I read that the series contains information about body language. In this article, I wrote my notes from the Lie to Me series for those who want to learn body language better. The article may seem a bit long, if you are interested in the subject, I recommend you to read it.


Liars memorize time forwards but forget to memorize backwards. It is difficult to tell backwards because there is no such memory in reality. * In other words, if you do not find the three or four answers correct after asking someone what you did today, ask them to count backwards. I haven’t tried it yet but I’m really curious about the results 🙂

Psychological fear response: Blood goes through the capillaries to the legs to get ready to run. Hands get cold first.

If there are no wrinkles in the eyes, the smile is not real.

Prominence of the chin is a sign of anger.

Gestical withdrawal: The person does not believe what they are saying.

If the person is covering their chest with a book or an object or crossing their arms on their chest, they want to create a set with the person(s) opposite. Usually this set contains the meaning of worry. However, the meaning of this movement should be determined according to the before or after.

The hand touching the neck is usually related to the desire to mask the lie.

If the response speed to a question is more than 1 second, it is more likely to be correct. Because if the lie has been prepared in advance, which is usually prepared, people want to answer in less than 1 second and get rid of it immediately.

Lie detection is based on asking the right questions.

Micro-expressions can be called the basis of the work.*I think it is a subject to be researched.

Males, gorillas, frogfish inflate themselves when they try to appear dominant.


If the eyebrows rise when a question is asked, it means that he actually knows the answer to the question asked. The raising of the eyebrows is often used in sentences of denial.

Throwing the left shoulder while lying, moving forward or backward is a sign that what is said is a lie. *The above can be called an example of gestural withdrawal. The person lists his lies, while doing these, he may throw his left shoulder backwards because he does not believe his lies.

Here are the macro expressions of the man who plays the leading role in the series, which we often come across and apply.







Swollen chest with chin up a slight smile = pride *However, it’s not like the chin I wrote above. We can say that the movement of the head is more pronounced in pride, more motionless in anger, and occurs with the closure of the lower lip.

In the 13th episode of the 1st season, that is, in the season finale, a man is shown performing one or two parts of ablution, then the scene changes and he utters takbir for prayer. However, he only wears boxers. No t-shirts, no pants, just boxers or shorts, whatever you say. The whole scene didn’t last a minute or two, but I wanted to note that too. Of course, I don’t know what you think about this scene. But I felt the need to write.

Another irrelevant piece of information for Episode 13: A man in a skullcap is asked a question or two about the suspect. This capped man is the father of the girl Merovingian brought to the Matrix from the machine city in Matrix Reloaded 🙂

It’s hard to do manual work while making up a story at the same time.

* In a group of three, if one person is silent and does not participate in the conversation, one of the other two may deliberately give false information about the person who does not speak, and add the person who is not speaking to the conversation. Of course, there can be bad results, but you need to adjust the wrong information properly.

Finally, I want to say the following. As I said, the series consists of 3 seasons. There’s a lot of body language information in its first season. If you’re interested, just watch the first season and leave the show. Because in the other two seasons, only one-episode stories return. I don’t know if you know Leverage, but it looks like it, even worse quality than it. By the way, Leverage is a very good series, it’s a separate issue 🙂 So if you want to learn body language in a more fun way than what I’ve told you, the first season of the series is for you. Even the first episode is pretty good. If you have comments about the article or series, I would like you to tell me, and if you like the article, I would like you to share it. See you in my next series review.

Kerem Mete

Hi, I am a seasoned SEO specialist with 10 years of experience driving organic growth and developing effective SEO strategies. Currently, I am working as a Sr. SEO Manager in Digitas in the UK. For more details, check out my about me page.

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