Digital PR

  • Participate in my SEO Survey

    Participate in My SEO Survey!

    Hi everyone. Could you participate in my MBA dissertation survey about SEO ranking factors and challenges? 👉 The primary purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of SEO tasks & factors in the UK e-commerce market on marketing performance. 👉 The target audience…

  • BrightonSEO Slides

    BrightonSEO October 2022 Slides

    BrightonSEO October 2022 was the first time I attended BrightonSEO in my whole 8 years of career. After attending this great conference, I decided to gather all slides and share them on my website. Also, I had a goal read what other speakers shared. Then,…

  • Off-Page SEO Task List

    Off-Page SEO Task List

    Content-type: Task List In this post, I just wanted to share my off-page SEO task list. I use this list to identify quick wins or try to decide on a new off-page SEO task, or check whether I miss something or not. I hope you’d…

  • Penguin 3.0 Compatible Backlink Packages!

    There is no penguin 3.0 compatible package, nor will it be. Packers or backlink providers; Publishes a promotional article from the publication start date If they have 10 promotional articles, they do not publish at least five or ten original non-linked content. If they sell…

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