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Website Speed and Performance Measuring Tools


This post was auto-translated with Google Translate, and I will proofread it in the upcoming weeks.
This post is over 5 years old, and may not reflect the author’s current view.

Every person who values ​​their site needs tools that measure the speed of their site. For this reason, in this article, I will introduce sites that measure site speed. Apart from the opening speeds of your site, you can easily access performance information from the sites I will give below. Personally, after adding 30 or 40 articles to the site, I became involved with every optimization method. Of course, although it slowed down a bit due to the number of articles and some changes, I made it better.

So why do we need to have a fast and good performance site?

First of all, you design and publish your sites to be followed. What will your reaction be if it does not open within 3 4 seconds when you enter a site? If your internet is fast and you encounter such a situation, you will most likely give up visiting that site. Or you will suffer while visiting that site. This should be among the experiences that the site owners do not want to live.

In addition, it is also a factor for increasing the rankings on Google, site opening speed. Because even if your content is of good quality, if you do not present this information quickly enough, Google may bring faster sites higher than you in the rankings.

Here are the sites that measure site speed where you can make these analyzes:


Although we do not have much information about this site and our site, I wanted to write because it offers interesting information. The site tests your opening time with different internet speeds. You can have a look if you want. I don’t know how true it is. There are also many SEO tools on the site. Once mixed, you can bookmark it if you find it useful. Finally, sample pictures are available under each title, click to enlarge the pictures.

website hızı olcme 300x175 Web Site Hız ve Performans Ölçme Araçları

Pingdom Tools

It is among the first sites I used for measuring site speed. That’s why it helped me a lot. It has a nice theme, and also has an app for smartphones (for iOS at least). It is a nice site that also helps you find the times when your site is downtime. You just have to fiddle a little. You can add this site to your permanent list.

website performans olcme siteleri 300x201 Web Site Hız ve Performans Ölçme Araçları

Web Page Test

On this site, on the other hand, it is a tool where you can examine your site in the most detailed way. Simply put, you can see the difference in opening speed between a person who has never visited your site and someone who has entered your site for the second time, right on the first page. As you can see in the picture below, the first visit took 4.1 seconds, while the second visit took 2.6 seconds.

site hizi olcen siteler 300x110 Web Site Hız ve Performans Ölçme Araçları

This was the beginning part. When you come to the “Details” section, you can see the waterfall view of your site as in pingdom. While your site is opening, it is opened by making an average of 30-50 queries (it may vary from theme to theme), these queries will have their counterparts and you will reach the site. You can look at how many ms each query takes and start optimization processes according to this data.

There is also a “Performance Review” tab. It may be a little difficult to analyze this tab, so I will describe my main favorite site, which I will suggest as an alternative to this site, in a separate article. If we go back to Webpagetest, as you can see, it ranks your site according to certain optimization rules. It shows the missing or wrong places, and you can see the parts you made right. You can use it easily because it has a simple English.


After you type your link in the link box on this site, it shows you how long it takes to open it. Then it calculates the opening speed of your site again every 5 seconds. Then it gives you an average time. You can also see it in the picture below. It’s an interesting analysis site, so I thought I’d share it in case it might be of use to you.

webwait 300x140 Web Site Hız ve Performans Ölçme Araçları

I shared a few active and up-to-date sites that I like as sites that measure website speed. I hope it will be useful. As I said while describing WebPagetest, there is another site. It’s my main favorite site. Stick with these for now, my next post on this topic because it might be longer. It can be a detailed optimization guide for you. If you liked the article, I would be happy if you share it on social media.

Finally, which one is your favourite?

Kerem Mete

Hi, I am a seasoned SEO specialist with 10 years of experience driving organic growth and developing effective SEO strategies. Currently, I am working as a Sr. SEO Manager in Digitas in the UK. For more details, check out my about me page.

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