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Things to Consider When Buying a Domain


This post was auto-translated with Google Translate, and I will proofread it in the upcoming weeks.
This post is over 5 years old, and may not reflect the author’s current view.

You wanted to step into the web world and you need a domain and you need hosting to turn that domain into a site. Although I have not tried it, you can open your site with the blogger infrastructure, that is, with Google’s own blog service. You can open your site with a number of transactions by just paying the domain fee. Or you can take your place in your web world by opening a blog from sites such as With this method, you do not pay any fees for the domain. However, in any case, you need to choose a domain. In this article, I will talk about the things that should be considered when buying a normal domain, as on my own site. I hope it will be useful for people just starting out.

Is the Content of Your Site Certain?

In my opinion, first of all, in order to choose the domain name, “what will you publish on your site?” You must answer the question clearly and precisely. Decide in which categories you will write on your site. You do not necessarily have to put it in a class, but if you determine whether it will be a news site, a game site, a blog, etc., you will be more comfortable for the next stages. If we have determined the categories, we can now think about the domain we will buy.

Let me list the main domain types for you. You can get a domain in the form of a name-surname. If you are going to write about the things you are dealing with, this is appropriate, but some people find using name and surname offensive or you may consider opening a site without using your name to hang out on the Internet.

Another option is if the articles you will write have a certain category, you can change the name of that category to produce a generic domain name. I’m throwing you are thinking of making a site on the android category. You can add and remove some suffixes to the word Android and produce a catchy domain. As I said, being memorable is an important criterion. If there is a category that you want to rank higher on Google, it will be an advantage for you to have this category in your domain. However, just having your keyword in your domain name does not guarantee that it will get you on the first page. I will refer to this again in my articles on SEO.

Meaningless Domains

Another option is meaningless domains. Force your imagination, come up with a meaningless word and make this word easy to say and even easy to write if you can. I will not advertise now, but now there are sites that have become a brand and the domain name has no meaning. You can buy such a domain name and take your first step into the web world. In fact, if you think of good, quality domains and you see that they are not taken, I recommend you to buy them. An investment that you have made by giving about 10-20 liras can cost hundreds of liras in the future.

If we are to sum up;

Before you buy your domain, you should have determined what you will broadcast, namely the content of your site. Among the types you can get are name-surname, domains containing the category name, meaningless domains. The real thing is, after choosing your domain, β€œIs this a generic domain name? If this domain name becomes a brand, will the domain name grin or look weird?” You need to find the correct answers to questions such as:

That’s all the domain types that come to mind for now, if you have any in mind, I would like you to specify them in the comments section. Finally, the choice of the domain company remains. I use ihs. Do not say what kind of problem may arise about the domain, I personally did not experience it, but there are people who have problems. In order not to talk to any company, you can ask me privately or you can do research on Google. But let me also say something like that, there is always someone from every company who has a problem. Do not try to find the problem free company. We have come to the end of the article on what to consider when buying a domain, see you in the next article πŸ™‚

*Note: Apart from your advice on domain types, I’m also curious about your personal opinions about the domain name. I would be very happy if you write.

Kerem Mete

Hi, I am a seasoned SEO specialist with 10 years of experience driving organic growth and developing effective SEO strategies. Currently, I am working as a Sr. SEO Manager in Digitas in the UK. For more details, check out my about me page.

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