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Leadership 101 – John C. Maxwell


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This series of books caught my attention when I first saw it. John C. Maxwell has written short books such as Leadership 101, Relationships 101, Success 101, Guidance 101…. I hope to read the others one after the other, but I have other books on my book list. It is the book that I can recommend to the interested ones If you are not interested in leadership but other subjects and you do not like to read long books, those books will be like medicine for you. At the beginning of the book, the author explains why it is so short. I think I have given enough information about the book, here are the articles that impressed me, underlined or took notes from the John C. Maxwell – Leadership 101 book. I hope you will like it 🙂

Did you know that the greatest advances have been made in the last thirty years, not the millennium before that? For example, the information contained in a single daily edition of the New York Times is greater than the amount of information most people in 17th century England encountered in their lifetime.

Did you know that we affect at least ten thousand people in our lifetime? Sociologists say that even the most introverted individual can affect ten thousand people in their lifetime.

A person cannot develop unless he knows what he does not know.

Champions don’t become champions in the ring. They are just known there.

Our mistakes are more innocent than the methods we devise to hide them. – La Rochefoucauld

Doing things right is the foundation of your survival; Doing the right things is the foundation of our success.

If you have a vision that doesn’t serve other people, it’s probably a minor vision.

Think about the things around you that you would like to change.

Check it out, you should know what might have prevented you from progressing faster on your vision.

You cannot force supporters of voluntary organizations to serve. If the leader of such an organization has no influence on people, no one will follow him.

Every time you change jobs or join a new group of friends, you have to start from the lowest level of leadership and climb the ladder again.

Man is such a being that whenever something fires his soul, all impossibilities disappear. – Jean La Fontaine

That’s all my notes from John C. Maxwell’s Leadership 101 book. Thank you for reading the article.

Kerem Mete

Hi, I am a seasoned SEO specialist with 10 years of experience driving organic growth and developing effective SEO strategies. Currently, I am working as a Sr. SEO Manager in Digitas in the UK. For more details, check out my about me page.

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