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Istanbul Communication Summit 3 – Erdogan Arikan


This post was auto-translated with Google Translate, and I will proofread it in the upcoming weeks.
This post is over 5 years old, and may not reflect the author’s current view.

The subjects of the famous TRT announcer Erdoğan Arıkan, whom most of us have heard of, were diction and oratory techniques. It was a very fun and unusual training. It’s the first time I’ve attended a diction tutorial, but I think it’s just easier-than-normal versions of some of the things it’s trying to teach us. Because we learned that diction education is not an easy thing and it has a great effect when you put it in life. I also mentioned the importance of the tone of voice in this article, I would like you to read it. I also wanted to write to you some of the main information, advice, etc. that I received. If the sentences stay in the air too much because I take short notes, think about it for a while, forgive the rest.

Diction is divided into two. First of all, basic diction. The second is emotional diction. We always listen to someone else during the day. Do we control what we say? I separate the content of how we say aside, whether we set it up properly or not. We should question what we talk about during the day. How much do we do this?

4 important points in communication
1-) Breathing
Proper and correct breathing allows us to make our voice better. It allows us to extract words, letters better. Finally, it allows us to control our excitement and nervousness.

You will lower the breath to your navel, if I have to speak for a long time or if I am excited, I will take this breath. *He showed himself by admitting that he was overweight 🙂

2-) We Will Raise Our Voices A Little Higher

So we’re going to control our tone of voice. We’re going to raise our voices a few clicks.

Do you use your own tone of voice for your best communication? When we hear our own voice, we find it strange, don’t we?

In order to be able to raise our voice well, we must be lively and dynamic.

3-) All the Work Ends in the Brain

Whether it’s fast speech or not being able to speak, it’s all in the brain. If we figure this out (showing his head) we’ll figure out a lot of talk-related stuff.

Another important point is to adjust our speaking rate.

There is also the emotional aspect of it. What mood are we in when we speak?

erodagan arikan iletisim zirvesi İstanbul İletişim Zirvesi 3   Erdoğan Arıkan

Which letter do you think is pronounced differently from person to person in the sentence “I like to work on my own”? You may have read the letter e in this sentence openly, but you should read it closed. A lot changes when you read the e in this sentence closed. For example, another critical word is “young”.

For example, the word “word”. For example, read the sentence “I’m sorry”. How different is it when you change the pronunciation of the letter a, right? For example, tires. *Looking at his tablet, he counted a lot of words. Hacettepe, for example, has to suffer. A lot of people don’t, right? They read quickly.

The word embassy is just as important. He also put a lot of finger on the word.

It is necessary to accept being excited when speaking in front of the crowd. If you say let’s get rid of this excitement etc., you will be in trouble. When you’re on stage and in front of a band, you’ll be much more comfortable speaking when you think of it as a person and not a band. The more you get used to it, the faster you will reach this convenience.

* Finally, he finished his speech with an anecdote.

Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up, that it must run faster than the fastest lion; He knows he will die otherwise.

A lion wakes up every morning in Africa, that it must run faster than the slowest gazelle; He knows he will starve otherwise.

It doesn’t matter if you are a lion or a gazelle. Just know that when the sun comes up you have to run.

*I know there is no 4th point in communication. Maybe I missed it or maybe it didn’t say 🙂

Kerem Mete

Hi, I am a seasoned SEO specialist with 10 years of experience driving organic growth and developing effective SEO strategies. Currently, I am working as a Sr. SEO Manager in Digitas in the UK. For more details, check out my about me page.

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