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Google Chrome Extensions I Use


This post was auto-translated with Google Translate, and I will proofread it in the upcoming weeks.
This post is over 5 years old, and may not reflect the author’s current view.

Good day, friends, I will briefly talk about the Google Chrome extensions that I use today. Some of them are for web designers and some are plugins that can appeal to everyone. Google Chrome add-ons are side programs that can be very useful for your browser while surfing the Internet. You can reach the page where the Google Chrome browser plug-ins are located here. Yes, one last reminder before I move on to the plugins I use. Since these add-ons consume your computer’s CPU, you may experience possible slowdowns. You can look at the task manager while the add-ons are active. If you trust your computer, there is no problem anyway.

1-) AdBlock

This plugin is a plugin that removes google adsense and such ads that you will encounter while surfing the internet. Especially, some site owners can become uncomfortable because they put ads on their sites. Thanks to AdBlock, the place where the ad is located becomes a void. So we see a gap in the background color of the site. You can download AdBlock plugin from here.

Footnote: The makers of AdBlock are to be commended. Although they make a very nice plugin, the plugin also has advertisements on the web. It’s ironic but I think they’re doing it right 🙂

2-) Screen Capture (by Google)

You can add this plugin Screen Capture (by Google) – No Ps! I explained at length in my post. A multifunctional snippet tool. I think you will find it useful.

3-) PageSpeed ​​Insights (by Google)

This plugin provides you with important data such as speed of sites and optimization status. It is a plugin made by Google itself. It undertakes the same task as Pagespeed, even better in my opinion. Because you can better observe the instant changes you make. After installing the plugin, you can press the Ctrl+Shift (let’s call it Shift)+I keys in sequence and come to the PageSpeed ​​section from the menu that comes up and scan the site you want. You can download and try it from here.

4-) YSlow

This add-on was developed by the Yahoo company, which we can say is responsible for them in the past and even now (even though Turkey is not). This plugin measures a number of optimization features such as PageSpeed. It has different techniques according to Pagespeed plugin. I am very assertive about my scores in these two plugins, friends 😀 Click here, you can see my two scores and the optimization settings of my site. You can also download from here.

5-) Pagerank

To put it briefly, this plugin shows the pagerank of the site. You can see your backlinks from various sites.

6-) SeoQuake

This plugin has a nicer interface and checks the basic seo settings of your site, shamelessly hitting your face 😀 It’s a normal seo analysis plugin as a joke. You can see your backlink numbers and keyword ratios.

That’s it from me for now. Maybe I can write a second article in addition to this article in the future. I would be very happy if you write the google chrome extensions that you use and find useful as a comment. See you in another post 🙂

Kerem Mete

Hi, I am a seasoned SEO specialist with 10 years of experience driving organic growth and developing effective SEO strategies. Currently, I am working as a Sr. SEO Manager in Digitas in the UK. For more details, check out my about me page.

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