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What is Alexa? How Does Alexa Value Drop?


This post was auto-translated with Google Translate, and I will proofread it in the upcoming weeks.
This post is over 5 years old, and may not reflect the author’s current view.

In this article, I wanted to give general information about Alexa, which may be important for webmaster friends. I said it might be important because some people (including me) are not very interested in Alexa. But that doesn’t stop me from writing such an article. Alexa: It is the site counter of the Amazon company. The operation of this site shows how your site ranks among millions of sites in the world and in your country. In addition, it can show which words you are promoting, hits or your traffic.

No need to sign up for Alexa. When Google robots recognize your site, Alexa adds you to its index. With this index, you can measure the quality of your site. Our country ranks our sites within itself. With the number of our sites approaching 200,00 Value, Alexa puts them in order. So what does this alexa value depend on?

How Does Alexa Value Drop?
Based on original content and your hit from search engines
How many minutes the visitor stays on your site
Your number of calls in a day
From when you updated your site. So it depends on how often you add content.
Depending on the work you do on your site (backlink etc.) may decrease.

Alexa nedir 300x102 Alexa Nedir? Alexa Değeri Nasıl Düşer?

What Does a Low Alexa Value Do?

This question has been the dream of most webmasters. It is not so easy to find a good place for yourself in the increasing number of sites every day. Because the quality of your site is measured by the low alexa value according to some people. Most advertisers look at your Alexa value first. Studies from sites with low Alexa value are very important for sites. Because Alexa is built on solidarity. Both sites can rise in solidarity with each other in the increasing number of sites. However, due to the increasing number of sites in these recent days, some sites have been thrown back from their old order.

Waiting for your comments about Alexa. There are people who think like me, and there are people who think otherwise. See you in another post 🙂

Let’s take note of this day, December 4, 2013 here. Alexa points of my site:

Global Rank
Rank in Turkey

Kerem Mete

Hi, I am a seasoned SEO specialist with 10 years of experience driving organic growth and developing effective SEO strategies. Currently, I am working as a Sr. SEO Manager in Digitas in the UK. For more details, check out my about me page.

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