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Advice to Bloggers #1


This post was auto-translated with Google Translate, and I will proofread it in the upcoming weeks.
This post is over 5 years old, and may not reflect the author’s current view.

Until this time, I wanted to write articles about this subject at length, but I guess I didn’t see myself enough. Because now has not completed even one year. However, I think that I created a nice site by applying some of the things I learned and did in my first months. In addition, I wanted to start a series of recommendations to bloggers because of the increase in questions such as “how to make a better site” from some of my friends and acquaintances. In this article, I will only give information on general topics. If the subject becomes special, I will change the title accordingly and continue my article series. Yes, my first recommendation is:

Quality Content

Whether it’s surveys, my observations on other sites, or this site, the foremost criterion for me is quality content. There is a saying among web designers. “Even if a site’s design and seo are bad, its content is of high quality; It will be at the top of Google, it will become a brand…” Frankly, I am in the group that agrees with this statement. Of course, it is design, optimization, there are many metrics that will make a site a brand, but for me, if a blog does not provide useful information to people, it has a big loss in my eyes.

Therefore, the first thing that site owners should take care of is to determine the content they will publish on their site and present it in a beautiful way. Since the content topic will be very long, I say that’s it for now and leave it. With lots of useful content…


When it comes to design, everyone’s tastes are different, but avoid using colors and color groups on your site that the majority will not like. You can be a little more knowledgeable about colors by looking at my article on the meanings of colors. Currently, while I am writing this article, Cem Demir has a crystal theme on my site, but the reason I will change soon is: GRAY It is a 3-letter reason. I am bored of Gray, if there are those who follow the site, it is highly likely that they will be bored too. I don’t have a clue about the theme, I’ve loved the theme since the first day I found it, and some people even asked if it was custom made or something. Anyway, I explained my problem and you learned your lesson here for your own site.

Beautiful vibrant colors are everyone’s choice, even if the colors are appropriate, the vibrancy of your theme is also important. So I’m talking about the theme-specific parts that can’t be changed with colors. As a WordPress user, I know that there are hundreds of thousands of themes at my disposal, that is, on the Internet, so I come up with a site where black and gray are used abundantly and ask, “What do you think I should do for my site?” I would like to emphasize that your statement would be out of place. The design of your site is important, it keeps the visitor on the site and makes it easier to navigate within the site.

Social media

I wanted to collect the article under three different main headings and finally I chose social media. Be sure to open your social media accounts right after you publish your site or after 30-40 articles. Link sharing on these pages will increase your potential hit sources as well as taking your site up one or two steps in Google. When you see that the number of followers or the number of likes on your facebook page increase over time, you will understand that you are on the right track. Share your posts properly on your social media accounts. This includes your own profile, but that’s up to you.

I guess it wouldn’t be weird if I talk about this subject and ask you to follow my facebook and twitter pages 🙂

I also want this series to continue in a good way, because there are quite a few basic issues. Also, this series is very suitable for my advice series for bloggers. I’m open to invitations 🙂 If you want me to talk about something in particular, I would appreciate it if you let me know in the comments. I will write my next post on that subject. I would also like to read your recommendations. See you in the next article.

Kerem Mete

Hi, I am a seasoned SEO specialist with 10 years of experience driving organic growth and developing effective SEO strategies. Currently, I am working as a Sr. SEO Manager in Digitas in the UK. For more details, check out my about me page.

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